Pekerja Rohani Sedikit


Mat 9:32Sedang kedua orang buta itu keluar, dibawalah kepada Yesus seorang bisu yang kerasukan setan.

Mat 9:33Dan setelah setan itu diusir, dapatlah orang bisu itu berkata-kata. Maka heranlah orang banyak, katanya: "Yang demikian belum pernah dilihat orang di Israel."

Mat 9:34Tetapi orang Farisi berkata: "Dengan kuasa penghulu setan Ia mengusir setan."

Mat 9:35Demikianlah Yesus berkeliling ke semua kota dan desa; Ia mengajar dalam rumah-rumah ibadat dan memberitakan Injil Kerajaan Sorga serta melenyapkan segala penyakit dan kelemahan.

Mat 9:36Melihat orang banyak itu, tergeraklah hati Yesus oleh belas kasihan kepada mereka, karena mereka lelah dan terlantar seperti domba yang tidak bergembala.

Mat 9:37Maka kata-Nya kepada murid-murid-Nya: "Tuaian memang banyak, tetapi pekerja sedikit.

Mat 9:38Karena itu mintalah kepada tuan yang empunya tuaian, supaya Ia mengirimkan pekerja-pekerja untuk tuaian itu."

Tuaian memang banyak, tetapi pekerja sedikit. Pada saat itu Tuhan Yesus menjalankan mukzijat Nya Kepada orang - orang banyak ia melihat begitu banyak orang - orang butuh bantuan kelemahan - kelemahan manusia sakit, kesurupan, dll. Tuhan yesus merasa mereka seperti domba tanpa gembala nya.

Tuhan Yesus merasa sangat mengasihi mereka. Tapi karena begitu banyak Nya sampai Tuhan Yesus sebetulnya menceritakan suatu peristiwa yang bisa menjadi masa depan yaitu pekerja rohani.

Pekerja Rohani termasuk di dalam nya para pemimpin agama, biarawan, biarawati, pastur, pendeta, romo, gembala, katekis, dan pekerja - pekerja lain yang bersifat memuliakan Allah Bapa. Hal ini juga sekaligus dapat menjadi panggilan Iman kita untuk dapat menjadi pekerja Rohani, mungkin pada saat itu juga Tuhan sudah memprediksi akan banyak nya orang yang butuh bantuan tetapi pekerja rohani itu sedikit. 

Maka Tuhan Yesus berkata agar kita berdoa agar Tuhan Allah mengirimkan banyak pekerja- pekerja rohani. Marilah kita menjadi pekerja - pekerja Rohani agar dapat banyak membantu umat - umat Allah yang membutuhkan pelayanan yang seperti Tuhan Yesus lakukan pada saat itu.

Karena Tuhan Yesus adalah guru kehidupan bagi kita untuk selama - lama nya. Amin 


Matthew 9:32-38:
32 As they were going away, behold, a demon-oppressed man who was mute was brought to him.
33 And when the demon had been cast out, the mute man spoke. And the crowds marveled, saying, "Never was anything like this seen in Israel."
34 But the Pharisees said, "He casts out demons by the prince of demons."
35 And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction.
36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.
37 Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few;
38 therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest."

"The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few." At that time, Jesus performed miracles among the crowds, seeing many people in need of help, afflicted with illnesses, possessed by demons, and more. Jesus felt that they were like sheep without a shepherd.

Jesus had great compassion for them. However, due to the abundance of people, Jesus was actually talking about a future event, which is the calling for spiritual workers.

Spiritual workers include religious leaders, monks, nuns, pastors, priests, shepherds, catechists, and other workers who serve to glorify God the Father. This also serves as a call to our faith to become spiritual workers. Perhaps at that time, Jesus already foresaw that there would be many people in need, but the spiritual workers would be few.

So Jesus said that we should pray for the Lord God to send out many spiritual workers. Let us become spiritual workers to help the people of God in need, just as Jesus did at that time.

Because Jesus is the teacher of life for us for eternity. Amen.

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