Mrk 1:14Sesudah Yohanes ditangkap datanglah Yesus ke Galilea memberitakan Injil Allah,

Mrk 1:15kata-Nya: "Waktunya telah genap; Kerajaan Allah sudah dekat. Bertobatlah dan percayalah kepada Injil!"

Mrk 1:16Ketika Yesus sedang berjalan menyusur danau Galilea, Ia melihat Simon dan Andreas, saudara Simon. Mereka sedang menebarkan jala di danau, sebab mereka penjala ikan.

Mrk 1:17Yesus berkata kepada mereka: "Mari, ikutlah Aku dan kamu akan Kujadikan penjala manusia."

Mrk 1:18Lalu merekapun segera meninggalkan jalanya dan mengikuti Dia.

Mrk 1:19Dan setelah Yesus meneruskan perjalanan-Nya sedikit lagi, dilihat-Nya Yakobus, anak Zebedeus, dan Yohanes, saudaranya, sedang membereskan jala di dalam perahu.

Mrk 1:20Yesus segera memanggil mereka dan mereka meninggalkan ayahnya, Zebedeus, di dalam perahu bersama orang-orang upahannya lalu mengikuti Dia.


Ketika Tuhan memanggil murid - murid Nya Tuhan Yesus selalu mengajak orang - orang biasa sederhana untuk menjadi murid Nya. Yang pertama ialah para nelayan sebagai murid Nya yang sedang menebarkan jala untuk mendapatkan ikan, tetapi Yesus mengajak mereka untuk menjala manusia dan mereka pun menerima panggilan tersebut.

Ketika Tuhan Yesus sudah memanggil maka tergeraklah hati orang tersebut untuk menerima panggilan Tuhan, panggilan untuk menyebarkan kabar injil ke seluruh penjuru dunia. Tuhan memilih mereka karena mereka orang yang sederhana, bukan orang besar yang punya segala nya, tetapi orang yang menunggu harapan, harapan dari Tuhan. 

Akankah diri kita menerima panggilan Tuhan, akankah kita tergerak hati nya seperti murid Tuhan Yesus dimana mereka meninggalkan sanak saudara dan ayahnya agar dapat mengikuti Yesus. Akankah kita menyebarkan injil keseluruh dunia dengan kesaksian - kesaksian yang pernah kita alami selama mengikuti Yesus. Semoga kita dapat menerima panggilan Tuhan Yesus


Ya Yesus yang baik
Aku mau menerima panggilan Mu Tuhan
Berkatilah aku
Lancarkan lah jalan ku
Dan lega lah pikiran ku


Mark 1:14 After John was arrested, Jesus went to Galilee, proclaiming the gospel of God,

Mark 1:15 and saying, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel."

Mark 1:16 Passing along the Sea of Galilee, Jesus saw Simon and Andrew, the brother of Simon, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen.

Mark 1:17 And Jesus said to them, "Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men."

Mark 1:18 And immediately they left their nets and followed him.

Mark 1:19 And going on a little farther, he saw James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, who were in their boat mending the nets.

Mark 1:20 And immediately he called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants and followed him.


When the Lord called His disciples, Jesus always invited ordinary, humble people to become His followers. The first were fishermen, busy casting their nets to catch fish, but Jesus called them to fish for people, and they accepted His call.

When Jesus calls, the hearts of those individuals are moved to accept God's calling, a calling to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth. The Lord chose them because they were simple people, not the wealthy or those who had everything, but those who waited for hope, hope from the Lord.

Will we respond to God's calling? Will our hearts be moved like the disciples of Jesus, leaving family and father to follow Him? Will we spread the gospel throughout the world with the testimonies we have experienced while following Jesus? May we be able to accept the calling of Jesus.


Oh, kind Jesus,
I am willing to accept Your call, Lord.
Bless me,
Smooth my path,
And ease my mind.