Yoh 6:16Dan ketika hari sudah mulai malam, murid-murid Yesus pergi ke danau, lalu naik ke perahu

Yoh 6:17dan menyeberang ke Kapernaum. Ketika hari sudah gelap Yesus belum juga datang mendapatkan mereka,

Yoh 6:18sedang laut bergelora karena angin kencang.

Yoh 6:19Sesudah mereka mendayung kira-kira dua tiga mil jauhnya, mereka melihat Yesus berjalan di atas air mendekati perahu itu. Maka ketakutanlah mereka.

Yoh 6:20Tetapi Ia berkata kepada mereka: "Aku ini, jangan takut!"

Yoh 6:21Mereka mau menaikkan Dia ke dalam perahu, dan seketika juga perahu itu sampai ke pantai yang mereka tujui.


Tuhan Yesus berjalan di atas air merupakan mukjizat yang luar biasa, sebab Bumi dan seluruh isinya telah diserahkan kepada Tuhan Yesus sebagai Anak Allah yang duduk di sisi kanan Allah Bapa Yang Mahakuasa. Maka Tuhan Yesus memiliki kuasa yang begitu besar, termasuk berjalan di atas dan seketika itu juga ketika Ia naik ke perahu sampai di pantai yang mereka tuju. 

Inilah keajaiban Tuhan yang tiada batas. Para murid waktu itu ketakukan mungkin kita juga akan ketakutan akan kekuatan besar yang dimiliki oleh Tuhan Yesus dimana manusia tidak dapat melakukan nya. Ia mengetahui isi hati manusia dan berkata kepada para murid "Aku ini, jangan takut!". 

Apakah kita juga akan takut apabila melihat Tuhan Yesus, Ia begitu menyayangi kita maka kita seharusnya jangan takut, namun dosa lah yang membuat jarak antara kita dengan Tuhan Yesus untuk itu kita harus hidup benar di mata Nya dan mendekat kepada Tuhan Yesus mengikuti ajaran Nya. 


Ya Tuhan mukjizat Mu begitu hebat
Engkau berjalan di atas air, badai pun menuruti Engkau Ya Tuhan Yesus
Aku percaya kepada Mu Tuhan
Dan aku tidak ingin takut apabila melihat Mu
Aku ingin hidup benar di mata Mu Tuhan


John 6:16-21 (ESV)

16 When evening came, his disciples went down to the sea, 17 got into a boat, and started across the sea to Capernaum. It was now dark, and Jesus had not yet come to them. 18 The sea became rough because a strong wind was blowing. 19 When they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and coming near the boat, and they were frightened. 20 But he said to them, “It is I; do not be afraid.” 21 Then they were glad to take him into the boat, and immediately the boat was at the land to which they were going.


The fact that Lord Jesus walked on water is an extraordinary miracle, for the Earth and all its contents have been entrusted to Lord Jesus as the Son of God who sits at the right hand of Almighty God the Father. Therefore, Lord Jesus possesses immense power, including walking on water and instantly reaching the boat and the shore they were heading to.

This is the boundless wonder of the Lord. The disciples were afraid at that time, and perhaps we would also be afraid of the great power possessed by Lord Jesus, which humans cannot achieve. He knows the hearts of humans and said to the disciples, "It is I; do not be afraid."

Would we also be afraid when we see Lord Jesus? He loves us so much that we should not be afraid, but it is sin that creates distance between us and Lord Jesus. Therefore, we should live righteously in His sight and draw near to Lord Jesus by following His teachings.


O Lord, Your miracles are so great
You walk on water, even storms obey You, O Lord Jesus
I believe in You, Lord
And I do not want to be afraid when I see You
I want to live righteously in Your sight, Lord