Anak Manusia adalah Tuhan atas hari Sabat.


Luk 6:1Pada suatu hari Sabat, ketika Yesus berjalan di ladang gandum, murid-murid-Nya memetik bulir gandum dan memakannya, sementara mereka menggisarnya dengan tangannya.

Luk 6:2Tetapi beberapa orang Farisi berkata: "Mengapa kamu berbuat sesuatu yang tidak diperbolehkan pada hari Sabat?"

Luk 6:3Lalu Yesus menjawab mereka: "Tidakkah kamu baca apa yang dilakukan oleh Daud, ketika ia dan mereka yang mengikutinya lapar,

Luk 6:4bagaimana ia masuk ke dalam Rumah Allah dan mengambil roti sajian, lalu memakannya dan memberikannya kepada pengikut-pengikutnya, padahal roti itu tidak boleh dimakan kecuali oleh imam-imam?"

Luk 6:5Kata Yesus lagi kepada mereka: "Anak Manusia adalah Tuhan atas hari Sabat."


The Pharisees were trying to find fault with Jesus and His disciples. They questioned why the disciples of Jesus were picking and eating grain on the Sabbath. Jesus then gave the example of David, who, when hungry, ate the bread from the table of offering in the temple. Jesus emphasized that the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.

Jesus is Lord, and for that reason, we must believe in Him. Jesus does not require offerings or sacrifices. What He truly values is a sincere heart, which we can offer to Christ, along with a life that is pure and unblemished.


Lord Jesus,  
Your Kingdom is most important to us, Lord.  
Bless us always.  

**Luke 6:1-5 (English Translation)**

1. One Sabbath, while Jesus was walking through the grainfields, His disciples picked some heads of grain, rubbed them in their hands, and ate the kernels.

2. But some of the Pharisees said, "Why are you doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath?"

3. Jesus answered them, "Have you never read what David did when he and his companions were hungry?

4. He entered the house of God, and taking the consecrated bread, he ate what is lawful only for priests to eat, and he also gave some to his companions."

5. Then Jesus said to them, "The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath."

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